The Pythian Castle

The offices of the Bee Tree Folk School are located at 30 East Idaho Street in historic downtown Weiser, Idaho.

The Pythian Castle houses our Teaching Kitchen, Freeze Dryers, and a large portion of The Simpson-Vassar Museum.

The Teaching Kitchen provides an easily configurable classroom area for instruction on water bath canning, pressure canning, bread baking (white, wheat, sourdough, and flat breads), make a mix classes and much more.

The outdoor area behind the castle is utilized for outdoor classes including, dutch oven cooking, wilderness and survival cooking, cooking with smokers, and fire starting.

The Bee Hive

The Bee Hive is located at 8 East Idaho Street in Weiser, Idaho, two buildings west of the Pythian Castle.

This location is utilized for larger classes, meetings, community events, concerts, jam sessions, dances, music clubs and private events.

Bee Tree Audio/Visual

Bee Tree Audio/Visual is provides professional recording and video services for our local community area. It is located inside of The Bee Hive.