Saturday, March 1, 2025
10:00 am
12:00 pm
This class will cover what you need to know to successfully raise your own hens for egg production and to raise broilers for your table.
It will cover the equipment and care needed to safely raise your newly-hatched baby chicks until they are producing eggs or are ready to provide delicious meat for your table. Home egg production is getting to be more important each day. The price of supermarket eggs is turning this household staple into a luxury item. Having your own farm-fresh eggs gives you security in knowing that your chickens were well-fed and cared for and that your eggs are fresh. If you are raising meat birds, you will learn how and what to feed them for the best quality and wholesomeness. Join us for this informative class to help you avoid beginner’s mistakes or to refresh your knowledge if you’re a backyard chicken veteran!
Taught by Karl Gresehover